Where did the magic go?

Have you ever had times of wondering if you and your partner have somehow “lost the magic”? If so, Valentine’s Day may not help. The hype surrounding Valentine’s Day highlights the kind of romance typical of the early days of a relationship — but not so much the longer term haul. You may be . . . → Read More: Where did the magic go?

A love like that

Something to think about

“Even after all this time, The sun never says to the earth, ‘You owe me.’ Look what happens with A love like that. It lights the whole sky.” –Hafiz of Persia


I live at the foot of Mt. Seymour in North Vancouver. Just minutes out my front . . . → Read More: A love like that

Celebrate the people you love

A new meaning for this special day

Valentine’s Day for me is inextricably linked to the birth of my daughter. I went into labour February 14, 1989 while watching an episode of Thirtysomething and eating take-out pasta. That was the most Valentine’s Day excitement I could handle in my very pregnant state.

As we . . . → Read More: Celebrate the people you love

My best tip for a great vacation

Summer is finally here! Beauty is everywhere and I hope you’re finding opportunities to play in the sun. If you want to set yourself up for a satisfying summer vacation, read on for a personal tip that has served me in my relationship for years.

Not every vacation is equal.

—Shawn Anchor

When vacations . . . → Read More: My best tip for a great vacation

Love when the rubber meets the road

Be present & enjoy your moments. Life is precious & control is a huge illusion.

— Linda Aris

In honour

This Valentine’s Day I want to honour my dear friend, Linda Aris, and her partner, Hayward. Linda died on January 19th after a two and a half year journey with brain cancer. Linda was . . . → Read More: Love when the rubber meets the road

Reduce your frustration by making powerful requests

Often we have private conversations with ourselves about what others should and should not do. But we never make overt and open requests of these people. Subsequently, when they don’t do what we expect, we’re disappointed, resentful and angry. –Matthew Budd & Larry Rothstein

The art of making effective requests

We all need to enlist . . . → Read More: Reduce your frustration by making powerful requests

3 Obstacles to Love & How to Transform Them

“Relationship skills do not come with genes, they come with practice.” — Harville Hendrix


In my work with clients and in my own relationships, I’ve seen over and over again the destructive power of these three behaviours:

1) Criticizing 2) Comparing and 3) Capitulating

These . . . → Read More: 3 Obstacles to Love & How to Transform Them

Love, wisdom and inspiration

I’ve been a student of relationships – and what makes them tick – for most of my life. As the youngest of four children, I grew up avidly observing my older siblings – studying the most effective strategies for navigating the teen years with my parents. My goal was to achieve the optimum freedom with . . . → Read More: Love, wisdom and inspiration