When adversity hits those you love

Whether you are affected by the struggles of someone you care for – or are experiencing adversity yourself – it can be tough to find a way to be with the pain and suffering that life sometimes brings.

I offer the following ruminations on what I’ve found to be helpful when adversity hits.

Something to . . . → Read More: When adversity hits those you love

Understanding mothers and daughters

It’s been ten years since I wrote the following article about the dynamics between mothers and their adult daughters. A recent re-read has inspired me to share it again – with a few updates – in honour of Mother’s Day.

These ideas, inspired by the work of Deborah Tanen, have helped me be less . . . → Read More: Understanding mothers and daughters

Love, wisdom and inspiration

I’ve been a student of relationships – and what makes them tick – for most of my life. As the youngest of four children, I grew up avidly observing my older siblings – studying the most effective strategies for navigating the teen years with my parents. My goal was to achieve the optimum freedom with . . . → Read More: Love, wisdom and inspiration