Why Choose Life Coaching

  • Are you at a challenging crossroads in your life?
  • Are you dealing with big changes, in your personal or work life?
  • Is it time to make some important decisions?

When the winds of change are blowing, life coaching can help you navigate turbulent times, with a sense of power and direction.

If you are at a crossroads in your life journey, a supportive guide can be invaluable. A guide can ask questions, listen deeply and draw out of you what is really important – so that you are empowered to make the changes that will bring you more joy and fulfillment. A guide also knows the terrain, and can help you find the path of least resistance. This is my job as a Life Coach.

As your coach, I seek to be a compassionate and impartial sounding-board – a place where you can talk freely about the changes you desire and the choices that you face. You will be supported to:

  • Make authentic, true-to-who-you-are choices.
  • Be all that you can and want to be.
  • Take extremely good care of yourself.
  • Be pro-active, rather than reactive in relating to others and circumstances.
  • Develop a vision and a plan for your life and a strategy for getting there.

Never before in history have we humans had so many choices to make in the course of our lives. Gone are the days of prescribed and predictable roles and career paths. We make choices on a daily basis regarding how we work, how we play and how we relate to our loved ones.

And never before have we expected so much from our quality of life. We don’t want to simply “get by” or survive. We seek happiness, fulfillment and the full expression of all that we can be.

As wonderful as it is to have so many choices in life, we may find ourselves frustrated and confused at times. How do we know what will bring us happiness? Or worse, what if we have pursued what we thought would lead to happiness, only to find that it is not what we expected and something is “missing”?

This is where life coaching can be immensely helpful. Coaching will assist you in clarifying who you are – your values and vision for your life – and what you deeply desire – the kind of life you want to live. Then it can support and empower you in making a plan and taking the steps to get there.

Once you are clear about your values and priorities – and are following a sense of personal vision – your life choices and changes will be much easier to make. Your life can take on a greater sense of flow, ease and clarity. You will experience less struggle. And you will be naturally pulled toward the realization of your goals and aspirations – for your life and your relationships.

I would love to assist and support you in this process of making powerful choices and changes in your life.