Keep your relationship resentment-free

I find myself unable to write about the personal realm of relationships without first acknowledging this global back-drop of events that we are all living. So much is going on in our world!

Like you, I have been intensely reflecting on all that this time of Covid-19 has revealed in our world – the sacrifices, . . . → Read More: Keep your relationship resentment-free

How to pull together (not apart) when things change

Change is hardest at the beginning, messiest in the middle and best at the end. ― Robin S. Sharma

Change happens

Even if you have a very stable relationship, you will experience the turbulence of change at times. If you and your partner are growing, then change is inevitable. And any change that one partner . . . → Read More: How to pull together (not apart) when things change

How to reduce reactivity & blame

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. — Eleanor RooseveltThe challenge of owning our feelings

As human beings, we have a tendency to blame others for our feelings when their behavior triggers our deep emotions.

“You make me so mad when you….” “You make me feel guilty when you…” “You hurt my . . . → Read More: How to reduce reactivity & blame