A personal update

Dear friends,

Instead of my usual article, this post takes the form of a personal sharing. I’ll be taking a little pause in writing this newsletter and I wanted to fill you in on why. To do that, I’ve needed to revisit a bit of history.

How it began 

June marked the 16th anniversary . . . → Read More: A personal update

Where did the magic go?

Have you ever had times of wondering if you and your partner have somehow “lost the magic”? If so, Valentine’s Day may not help. The hype surrounding Valentine’s Day highlights the kind of romance typical of the early days of a relationship — but not so much the longer term haul. You may be . . . → Read More: Where did the magic go?

Keep your relationship resentment-free

I find myself unable to write about the personal realm of relationships without first acknowledging this global back-drop of events that we are all living. So much is going on in our world!

Like you, I have been intensely reflecting on all that this time of Covid-19 has revealed in our world – the sacrifices, . . . → Read More: Keep your relationship resentment-free

Resources for unusual times

Dear friends,

I am thinking of you today, as we all navigate uncharted waters together. My hope is to provide you with some of the helpful “offers” that have come to my attention in this time of Covid-19.

May you find the inner resources and outer supports that you need at this time. May you . . . → Read More: Resources for unusual times

A love like that

Something to think about

“Even after all this time, The sun never says to the earth, ‘You owe me.’ Look what happens with A love like that. It lights the whole sky.” –Hafiz of Persia


I live at the foot of Mt. Seymour in North Vancouver. Just minutes out my front . . . → Read More: A love like that

What self-compassion is and isn't

I recently facilitated some small group sharing on the topic of self-compassion. I had done some reading that inspired me to think about this topic in some new ways and I wanted to share that. However I was a little worried that the topic might not fly well in a mixed group.

I . . . → Read More: What self-compassion is and isn’t

When adversity hits those you love

Whether you are affected by the struggles of someone you care for – or are experiencing adversity yourself – it can be tough to find a way to be with the pain and suffering that life sometimes brings.

I offer the following ruminations on what I’ve found to be helpful when adversity hits.

Something to . . . → Read More: When adversity hits those you love

Make your whole summer feel like a vacation

Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are. – Chinese Proverb

Happy vacation-time!

Have you had a chance to get away yet? Are you taking advantage of the longer days and sunny weekends? I hope you are honouring your need for rest and play — whether or not you’re able . . . → Read More: Make your whole summer feel like a vacation

Celebrate the people you love

A new meaning for this special day

Valentine’s Day for me is inextricably linked to the birth of my daughter. I went into labour February 14, 1989 while watching an episode of Thirtysomething and eating take-out pasta. That was the most Valentine’s Day excitement I could handle in my very pregnant state.

As we . . . → Read More: Celebrate the people you love

My best tip for a great vacation

Summer is finally here! Beauty is everywhere and I hope you’re finding opportunities to play in the sun. If you want to set yourself up for a satisfying summer vacation, read on for a personal tip that has served me in my relationship for years.

Not every vacation is equal.

—Shawn Anchor

When vacations . . . → Read More: My best tip for a great vacation