Coaching sessions are one hour long. Clients telephone or Skype me at the prearranged session time, from their home or office. No travel time is required. Clients usually do two or three sessions monthly and are billed the first of each month. In-between sessions, clients typically complete “fieldwork” — agreed-upon actions in support of their goals.
In a typical coaching session, a client may:
- Choose what they want to focus on in the session.
- Clarify their desires.
- Discuss a challenge or difficulty.
- Celebrate “wins” and accomplishments.
- Ask for feed-back, input or suggestions.
- Outflow their frustrations and disappointments.
- Raise an issue or concern.
- Brainstorm and problem-solve.
- Strategize or plan for the future.
- Discuss their fieldwork and what they’re learning about themselves.
- Have a breakthrough in their thinking.
- Reflect on the results of an assessment.
- Look for a solution to a relationship problem.
- Ask for a ‘reality check’.
- Declare their intentions.
- Set inspiring goals.
In a typical coaching session I may:
- Ask discerning questions.
- Listen.
- Listen some more.
- Explore issues, concerns, upsets.
- Make requests.
- Challenge assumptions.
- Provide or suggest resources.
- Assist in developing strategies.
- Offer a different perspective.
- Validate feelings.
- “Normalize” what is happening.
- Elicit dreams, desires and goals.
- Encourage action.
- Suggest fieldwork.
- Debrief fieldwork.
- Acknowledge and celebrate “wins”.
- Share the progress that I see.