A love like that

Something to think about

                                                         “Even after all this time,
                                                          The sun never says to the earth,
                                                         ‘You owe me.’
                                                          Look what happens with
                                                         A love like that.
                                                         It lights the whole sky.”
                                                                                    –Hafiz of Persia


I live at the foot of Mt. Seymour in North Vancouver. Just minutes out my front door I can be on the trails at the base of the mountain, enjoying the smell of cedar trees and the damp earth. First thing in the morning, three times a week, I am joined by my good friend and walking buddy, Mary Anne. This is self-care at its’ best! Stimulating conversation and the steady rhythm of walking.

On a sunny day the birds serenade us. On a foggy day the birds are quiet and we enjoy the beauty of evergreens shrouded in mist. Whatever the weather, nature shares its’ gifts freely and fully. Like the sun in this verse by Hafiz, the forest asks nothing in return.

I wonder

It causes me to wonder how many other things in life I enjoy because of freely given love?

I need only to look around my home for starters. The stories that grace my book shelves are someone’s labour of love shared freely with the world. The paintings on my wall are an expression of someone’s love of colour and beauty and form. The afghan on my chair is a product of my mother’s love — knitted many years ago.

So many of the people and things I enjoy in my life are the result of someone expressing their gifts and love into the world – in a myriad of different forms. This is indeed something to ponder…

So may this Valentine’s Day bring with it awareness and appreciation for the “love made tangible” that is all around you today.

Thank you for the love that YOU make tangible, every day, by being who you are and doing what you do – as only you can.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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